World Premiere of Shades of Light
Walk Now Productions announce the world premiere season of Shades of Light by Sam Cosentino, with contributions by Talin Agon, Isabella Forte, Navid Ghasemi & Hanh Nguyen
One by one, four characters, each from a different cultural background, share a story, a private moment, a personal memory about someone they love and care about. Who are these characters? Are they connected? Are they misplaced or are they forgotten? Are they estranged from their families and communities or did they willingly leave them behind to find a “better life”?
Later, these four people find themselves together and trying to survive in a war-torn environment, somewhere between borders, the countries undisclosed. It is desolate; there is nothing green in the landscape, no evidence of water. The man is seriously wounded, unable to be moved, the woman by his side a medic. The other two females are an Italian translator and a Vietnamese news photographer.
Their paths have all crossed by accident, by circumstance. They are stuck together in limbo, between countries, between worlds. It is dangerous to move forward, to cross the border, and dangerous to go back. But they all have jobs to do, functions to perform, help they need to provide to others. With humour and pathos, they work through their dilemma, as individuals and as a group, and from this interaction, they will decide their next move.
“Come back. Even as a shadow, even as a dream,” Euripides.
Season runs from Friday 10 January, for more information and booking, click here