Glee-Up in Melbourne

Glee Club is thrilled to announce the launch of a new Gleeful concept – Showtune Tuesdays in Melbourne!

In addition to the highly successful Wednesday night sessions hosted by Vicky Jacobs, Glee Club will now also be running on Tuesday nights singing showtunes from music theatre past and present and hosted by international cabaret and music theatre star Chelsea Plumley.

Glee Club is the only sing-a-long choir in town. There are no solos, no microphones and no commitment to come every week. You just turn up, grab a drink at the bar and settle back in the kitsch and gorgeous surrounds of The Butterfly Club to have a big ol’ group sing of some of the best music on the planet.

Perfect for keeping your vocal skills in shape with a 15 minute warm-up every session, loads of harmonies and some of the best musical directors in the country, Glee Club is perfect for all levels of singers from newbies to experts. And most importantly, it’s super fun!

Showtune Tuesdays are on from 6:15-7:15 Tuesdays at The Butterfly Club, 204 Bank Street, South Melbourne.

Tickets are $10. Bookings:, or simply turn up.

For more info, email [email protected]

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