A quick Q and A with MICF’s Joel Dommett

Next up for our MICF Q and A feature is Joel Dommett, a comedian from the U.K. Currently appearing solo in Conquer, 2016 marks Joel’s second appearance in the MICF, where he promises to be “more charismatic and more hilarious than ever before.”


Artist name: Joel Domettjoel dommett

MICF show name: Conquer

Dates: March 24th – April 17th

Venue: Town Hall

Tickets can be purchased here.


Q. What is your show about, and how did it come into being?

A. It’s about finding a lady on a train who I gazed at and then didn’t get the confidence to speak to. Turns out trying to find a person in London when you don’t know their name or number is difficult and feels slightly creepy.

Q. What makes MICF different from other festivals you’ve been in?

A. It’s such an incredible festival to be a part of. So many great shows. It’s not too big yet big enough that it grabs the attention of the best acts from overseas. I don’t mean me. In fact yes. I mean me.

Q. Who are your not-to-be-missed acts at this year’s festival?

 A. I loved Steen Raskopolous’ show called You Know the Drill, and Rose Matapheo has a great show too. We don’t clash so you can see us all on the same day, and what an incredible day that would be.

Q. What do you believe is the purpose of comedy?

 A. Questionnaires.

Q. Can the reaction of your audience make or break your show?

 A. Yes. But like any other job, sometimes things don’t go your way and it’s about how you deal with it. That’s why I love this job, every day is different. I don’t have to go in really early every morning and sit at the same computer and look across the desk at ‘wacky Brian’ who works in accounts breathing heavily. This makes me very happy indeed.

Q. What’s the best and worst review you’ve ever received?

A. Worst? A lady once stood up in the second row and shouted, “why don’t you just read out the raffle?” then sat back down. You know a gig isn’t going to be great when the headliner is a tombola. Best? My dad after seeing me live saying, “it’s strange because you were so unfunny as a child”. I assume that meant he found me funny now right?

Q. Do you have any unforgettable over-zealous fan experiences or heckles?

 A. The aforementioned raffle debacle. I’ve signed a fan’s arm before then they kept on threatening to get it tattooed and I had to intervene and say don’t. That’s how much faith I have in the longevity of my career.

Q. Is there an act you would love to heckle?

 A. Not really. Especially at a festival show, people have spent a whole year working on a show and people haven’t paid to hear what i have to say. Saying that I would love to heckle me. I would throw a great heckle then I would counter it excellently. To a festival crowd it would seem very avant-guard.

Q. What would you put in a survival pack for MICF performers or audiences?

 A. A festival guide and loads of money.

Q. Do you have plans for your show beyond MICF?

A. This is the final time I will do it. Then it is put on the shelf and another one is made. I continue this process until I die.

Q. Do you prefer to write and perform under pressure, or in a relaxed environment?

A. I prefer pressure. Lots of it. Right now I’m writing this with my producer stood over me with a loaded gun. She will not hesitate to use it. I must finish this questionnaire and be moderately amusing.

Q. Do you have any stage superstitions?

A. I touch my toes. Pretty rock and roll.

Maddi Ostapiw

Maddi is a performer who has been too scared to stand in the spotlight for the last few years, so she channels her need for love and appreciation into writing about the theatre instead. An energetic consumer of musical theatre, she is currently earning a degree in journalism and teaches voice in her small hometown. Maddi is normally covered in cat fur, has an opinion on everything, and in the words of Lin-Manuel Miranda, is not throwing away her shot.

Maddi Ostapiw

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