Musical Divas rest the vocal chords

15 years ago

Musical theatre stars Sharon Millerchip and Nancye Hayes will both appear in productions at the Ensemble Theatre next year, but…

Wicked Opens in Sydney

15 years ago

It was far from the glamourous event that greeted the show in Melbourne, but Wicked has opened in Sydney and will now…

Wicked’s $10 million box office advance

15 years ago

Despite the chinese whispers of the theatre industry suggesting it is in trouble, the blockbuster musical Wicked is set to be a…

Avenue Q extends Sydney season

15 years ago

Arts Asia Pacific today announced that the Sydney season of the hit musical,Avenue Q will be extended until October 18 at the…

Ballarat on the Rise

15 years ago

The Arts Academy in Ballarat is beginning to have a big impact on the Australian and international scene due to…

Thanks, Cate!

15 years ago

It is very rare that Australian theatre makes international news, but this past week it has made international headlines. Entertainment…

A Streetcar Named Desire

15 years ago

A Pulitzer Prize winning play performed by Sydney’s most well regarded theatre company starring an Oscar winner – it was…

Falling in Love – with the wrong person

15 years ago

Falling in love with your flatmate is never a good idea - but it certainly makes a good topic for…

New Aussie musical opens

15 years ago

Celebrities turn out for opening night of new Australian musical.

All smiles for Cate as sell-out show opens

15 years ago

Cate Blanchett headed an all-star cast in the opening night performance of A Streetcar Named Desire on Saturday night, just days after…