MICF: Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall

Due to another show finishing late, I didn’t get to the first few minutes of The. I don’t think this matters too much, as Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall’s show doesn’t seem to have a particular story arc. At one point he even says something like, “Here are some jokes that I don’t have a place for in the show, so they’re going here.” Maybe that’s your first hint as to whether you think you’ll like the show or not.

Alasdair Tremblay-Birtchall
Alasdair Tremblay-Birtchall

Former air-conditioning engineer Tremblay-Birchall has a slightly nerdy, easy-going, stage presence, which is a good start, but he should be wary of coasting by on it. There were a few occasions where he flubbed his build-up, robbing the audience of the big laugh and himself of the credit for getting it.

Overall the performance is competent and mostly refrains from unnecessary swearing, which is a pleasant change. The big strength of the show is some unusual material and surprises, such as his observations on escapism and the unexpected short-term health risks of smoking. Some of the room enjoyed solid loud laughter. I was amused, but I can’t say that this is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I suspect that if this was the third or fourth comedian I’d seen at MICF 2012 with a few gags but no real story to tell I’d be a bit fatigued with the apparent lack of the craft of the stand-up comic, such as links and segues, and would view this show much less favourably.

While Tremblay-Birchall gives a better show than some comics here, more polish in presentation will help give The more bang for your buck. Hopefully this performer has enough time this MICF to hit his stride, see how the top-shelf comics put a show together, and work a bit harder to develop his assets.

2 thoughts on “MICF: Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall

  • What is the deal with reviewers arriving late to shows this comedy festival? 

    Same thing happened when Malcom Muggeridge and the Bishop of Southwark arrived 15 minutes late to a screening of Life of Brian missing the opening scene that shows that Brian and Jesus are two different characters. They then went on the BBC to criticize the film as sacrilegious. 

    I’m not saying Birchall is on par with Python but it’s food for thought. This guy spent months putting this show together and you didn’t even see the whole show! 

  • Anne-Marie Peard

    The main reason reviewers are late to shows is an earlier show running late, especially during festivals.


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