Love Let Me Out

Love Let Me OutWritten by Craig Hearps and co-directed with his partner Iris Ray Nunn, Love Let Me Out is a one-act play worth watching, with good writing, relevant themes, memorable characters and equally memorable actors.

Utterly convincing as the selfless therapist Dylan, who struggles with the ever-present work/life balance epidemic as he tries to save both his drug rehabilitation centre and his relationship, is Adam Fawns. He was warm, inviting, and honest in his portrayal of Dylan. And yes ladies, he does get his kit off all in the name of art.

Another actor whose characterization was in-depth, endearing and even comical was Wayne Bassett as Robbie, the good intentioned slightly wacked out recovering addict. He brought some comic relief to the production, which helped balance the darker subjects and emotions. Playing a number of contrasting roles was Daniel Stockwell, who played a stressed out anxiety ridden drug addict with great attention to detail and believability. I also enjoyed the overly enthusiastic comical McGreenies store owner.

Playing the love interest of Dylan was Belinda Small, who was well cast as Abigal. What I especially liked about this character was that she also had her own flaws. Instead of playing a one-dimensional typical female let down by her guy, she was also fuelled by her own neediness and co-dependent tendencies. Angela Reedy also played a number of roles including the sympathetic rock-in-the-middle council representative and best friend of Dylan’s on-again off-again girlfriend. Her cameo role in ‘blacks’, which gave her a little more emotional scope to play with, was particularly enjoyable.

The director quite cleverly had the emotions/consciousness of the main characters played out by shadowy characters in ‘blacks’. This device was also used to rearrange the set into the different scenes.

The utilization of a box and foldout seat/bed in various configurations was a clever use of the minimal set. The only things I didn’t like so much was that the play felt a little slow to start and the ‘blacks’ interpretive dance part representing the storm (or confusion of the main character’s mind) was a slightly OTT. Also the use of the side isle right up to the back door was a little too much for the neck to crank. Maybe just half way would have been enough, but I’m being picky.

Love Let Me Out is playing at the Metro Arts until 14th May and then will travel down to Byron Bay for 2 Nights Only at The Byron Bay Community Centre Theatre, on 20 and 21 of May.


Bobbi-Lea Dionysius

Bobbi-Lea is's QLD Co-ordinator, writer, reviewer, and reporter. She is also an actor, presenter, and theatre/film producer for Drama Queen Productions in Brisbane. Bobbi-Lea holds a Degree in Music Theatre as well as a Degree in Film & TV, and is currently doing her Masters in Screen Production.

Bobbi-Lea Dionysius

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