Glenn Hill takes the cake – Rob Guest Endowment Wrap Up 2012
Last night's 4th annual Rob Guest Endowment concert was slick: well produced, well directed and peppered with some of the country's most loved musical theatre artists.
Six finalists and members of the casts of South Pacific, Legally Blonde, Wicked and Forum joined host Bert Newton in acknowledging the importance of fostering young people's dreams through this wonderful initiative, set up by the ANZ Trustees Foundation.
This year, finalist Glenn Hill walked away with the coveted $10, 000 talent development g
rant after performing the comedy piece 'To Excess' and Lucy Simon's 'A Bit Of Earth' from Secret Garden.
Glenn began his musical theatre career at age 16 in Jolson – The Musical with the late Rob Guest. He was assistant dance captain on the original tour of We Will Rock You, has toured Australia and Asia in countless other musicals and is currently performing in the cast of Legally Blonde at Sydney's Lyric Theatre, covering the role of Emmett.
Runner up Kirby Burgess was awarded the inaugural Production Company Award, which will see her cast in one of their upcoming shows during 2013 or 2014 as well as a $5000 prize.
Each of the other finalists, Andrew Conaghan, Allyce Martins, Euan Doidge and Samantha Hagen received a $500 prize.
The finalists for the 2012 ANZ Trustees Foundation, Rob Guest Endowment were selected by judges Kellie Dickerson, Guy Simpson, Jason Coleman and Stuart Maunder.
AussieTheatre was backstage last night during the show and we have put together this Storify piece, so you can watch the night unfold all over again!