From Twitter to the Theatre

Kicking off the summer 10-minute play season in Sydney, Newtown Theatre and the Youth Action Policy Association (YAPA) present Friends in Danger: six interconnected short plays about three disconnected characters.

Friends in Danger had its origins on Twitter, where three young female authors –Brooke Robinson, Maisie Dubosarsky, and Lia Savvides – each blogged daily as a fictional character.

The fictional characters interacted with each other over a period of time, before the playwrights borrowed each others’ character creations to produce stories about eugenics, moustaches and the circus, among other things – all of which have been expertly dramaturged by Griffin Award winning playwright, Mary Rachel Brown.

Kara, Maggie and Charlie are the three disconnected characters, and they will cross paths on the internet, on trains and in vacuum stores. The result is an entertaining mix of 10-minute plays that will make you laugh, recoil and experience a distinct sense of déjà vu…

Friends in Danger plays at 8pm, December 16 to 19, at the Newtown Theatre, on the corner of Bray and King Street, Newtown.

You can meet the characters at

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the door or from

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