Stacey-Louise Camilleri

Stacey-Louise is a seasoned performer, musician, director and choreographer having been involved in a plethora of productions over the years around the State. Stacey-Louise has years of experience lecturing and teaching in schools and Diploma Courses specialising in musical theatre . Currently she is head of voice at a secondary school, teacher at Theatre Blacks and the owner of theatre review website

Bronte Florian chats about StageArts Nine

Bronte Florian has exploded onto the Chapel Street stage in one of the hottest roles in modern theatre - Sarraghina.…

6 years ago

The Aussie girl who teaches the Brits to speak well – Gemma May Maddock

300km East of Perth lies Mukinbudin. With a population of less than 300 people it’s the kind of place that…

6 years ago