Jack Beeby

Aphids: A Singular Phenomenon

What do a dorky high school band, two bagpipers, 50 gingham tablecloths, Bart Simpson, a watermelon, a Prince Albert piercing,…

9 years ago

MICF: Dave Warneke Dates The Entire Audience

I’ve heard of double-dating but this is ridiculous. Dave Warneke makes us feel like we’re the most beautiful audience in…

9 years ago

MICF: 2 Man 3 Musketeers

1625. France. A young man named d’Artagnan feeds chickens on his family farm and wistfully pines for a different life,…

9 years ago

MICF: Boris and Sergey’s Vaudevillian Adventure

As they may or may not say in the music halls, “Everybody loves puppets!” and apparently, as has been exceedingly…

9 years ago

MICF: Dancing with Dinosaurs

Humans are going extinct. Or, at least, in the face of global warming, ongoing social and political tensions, and a…

9 years ago

MICF: Lisa-Skye’s Lovely Tea Party

Local comedy queen and self-proclaimed “Fraggle Rock dominatrix” Lisa-Skye hosts an adults-only soiree to make the Mad Hatter blush, in…

9 years ago

Red Stitch: The Ritual Slaughter of Gorge Mastromas

Dennis Kelly’s cautionary morality fable of corporate greed, corruption and an insatiable hunger for power at any cost, The Ritual…

9 years ago

Midsumma: corps(e)

Simon Morrison-Baldwin pays loving homage to one of French history’s most overlooked personalities: diplomat, spy, courtier and decorated serviceman Charles-Geneviève-Louise-Auguste-André-Thimothée…

9 years ago

Citizen Theatre: The Importance of Being Earnest

Oscar Wilde’s farcical tale of societal pomp, mistaken identity and greedy muffin consumption is played out with particular aplomb as…

9 years ago