All smiles for Cate as sell-out show opens

15 years ago

Cate Blanchett headed an all-star cast in the opening night performance of A Streetcar Named Desire on Saturday night, just days after…

The power of branding

15 years ago

How does theatre's branding rate? (more…)

Rising Star Finalists Announced

15 years ago

The five finalists in the running for a massive prize package in the Rising Star competition have today been announced. The…

Sydney Turns Green

15 years ago

Last night, the Sydney Town Hall was bathed in emerald green light to celebrate the arrival of the Broadway musical Wicked in Australia’s…

Newton to host Guest endowment concert

15 years ago

Television and stage legend Bert Newton will host the first ever Rob Guest Endowment concert in Melbourne on October 12.…

Goodbye, winter!

15 years ago

Spring has sprung and this young (cough / splutter) man’s thoughts turn to love, the love of theatre. (more…)

En Trance

15 years ago

En Trance is a gut-felt provocation of passion and emotion that re-defines our understanding of Butoh. If you’re already amazed…

Cate Blanchett injured on stage

15 years ago

Sydney Theatre Company Artistic Director Cate Blanchett has been injured on stage during a performance of A Streetcar Named Desire in Sydney…

Penny’s Magical Month

15 years ago

The days are long but the end result will be something special. In rehearsals for the Sydney season of the…

Glee-Up in Melbourne

15 years ago

Glee Club is thrilled to announce the launch of a new Gleeful concept – Showtune Tuesdays in Melbourne! In addition…